Static Website Development

Digital Marketing Strategy for Doctors

Website development is critical to your business's marketing, promotion, and growth. Too many businesses simply rely on a content management system or a CMS to serve as the client-facing website for their business. While a CMS is great for some things, it is not optimized for business branding or for SEO. Learn how static websites can boost your business's position in search results to attract more clients and improve your ROI.

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What are Static Websites?

A static website runs on HTML that is coded, usually by a website designer or developer. In a static website, every single page -- About, Contact, Home, and so on -- has its own HTML file. Static websites, also called HTML websites, can accomplish many different goals. They are often cheaper than CMSs like WordPress, because you do not need to purchase costly themes and plug-ins for them. A web developer can build and optimize a static webpage without the overhead of a CMS.

At Webociti, we build webpages for our clients from the ground up. We are able to customize every aspect of the webpage using HTML and CSS. From customizing the page and text color to enhancing the footer content, we can ensure the page has a look and feel that best represents your brand. Webpage designers also load rich metadata into the website's back end to boost your findability by search engines. For these reasons, we recommend a static website for the vast majority of our clients.

Our website developers use responsive web design techniques, which resize the webpage to fit the screen size accessing the URL. This ensures that all users receive a good user experience (UX) regardless of their device type. In today's age, when many website visitors use a mobile device, this is key to engaging customers and converting leads. With responsive web design, you do not need to create different websites or duplicate your content for mobile users.

Static websites can work very well for most small and medium businesses, who want a website that looks really good and incorporates stylish graphics and powerful content. Because static websites don't do anything complex, they do not take up as much space on a server. This translates to a faster page load time and cheaper webpage hosting. Slow webpage speed is a major UX offense, and so static webpages can help remedy long wait times.

CMS vs. Static Webpage

A CMS's greatest lure is in its ease of use. Without any knowledge of website development or coding, you can make simple edits, add new blog posts, or change website content.

While CMSs are easy to use no matter your level of skill, they do not deliver an optimized experience. Users cannot control the file structure attributes the way they can in a static webpage. Additionally, it can be difficult for even advanced users to customize their CMS. This is why so many users purchase themes that deliver a desired look and feel.

With an HTML website, a skilled developer can create advanced styles and features for a static webpage, so that it looks and operates exactly how you want it to.

When you are looking to get the maximum benefits of SEO, a static webpage is recommended. To further explore the issue of CMS vs. static webpage, make an appointment to talk with our consultants. Our website development consultants can discuss your website needs with an in-depth conversation about your current and your desired web presence and industry impact. Then we can make personalized suggestions that are developed to meet your specific needs for a business website.

Contact Webociti Today!

Ready to have a new website developed for your business? Contact Webociti today at 678-892-7157 or Schedule an Appointment (click box below) Don’t delay, call or contact us today!


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