Tips to Improve Your Website Search Engine Ranking

8 Game-Changing Tips to Improve Your Website SEO and Search Engine Ranking

SEO plays a crucial role in content marketing. Companies who spend time and effort on their search engine ranking gain more brand awareness, attract more visitors and generate more leads. In 2021, Hubspot reported that 69% of marketers invested in SEO as part of their content marketing strategy. Of the surveyed marketers, 45% considered their SEO tactics “extremely” or “very” effective at helping them achieve their goals.

Use these eight critical tips to boost your company’s SEO and reach a wider audience.

1. Publish Quality Content

According to 1. Publish Quality Content According to Semrush, 61% of surveyed marketers considered producing and updating one of the most effective content marketing tactics. Alex Chris, a Digital Marketing Manager writing for the Content Marketing Institute, backed this data in a 2021 article, “Content is the backbone of an effective SEO strategy. Semrush, 61% of surveyed marketers considered producing and updating one of the most effective content marketing tactics. Alex Chris, a Digital Marketing Manager writing for the Content Marketing Institute, backed this data in a 2021 article, “Content is the backbone of an effective SEO strategy.”

Building a catalog of excellent content takes time, research and talented staff. In 2020, Orbit Media reported that writers take an average of 3 hours and 55 minutes to write a blog post. This is likely because top tier content should:

  • Satisfy a user’s curiosity
  • Avoid repetition
  • Inspire trust
  • Entice visitors to explore more of your site

Consistently publishing content that meets these criteria will boost SEO through more exposure, generating leads and back links.

2. Dive Into Keyword Research

Keywords unlock the secret of SEO. “Companies or individuals that can target keywords their audience uses and deliver valuable, relevant content are much more likely to stand out,” says marketing director Dimitri Kustov in Forbes. 71% of Hubspot’s surveyed companies said strategic keywords made their top three tactics for improving SEO.

Effective keywords bring visitors to your website. Their location in your content plays a role in SEO, meaning relevant keywords should appear early on in titles, meta descriptions and pages. However, companies should remember that stuffing keywords has a negative effect on SEO.

Companies should also phrase keywords with searchers’ intent in mind. Google understands when users want to research or purchase something. Having this awareness yourself will help you consider how to use keywords to attract your target audience.

3. Build a Portfolio of Backlinks

Backlinks remain one of the most important factors that Google considers for its rankings. If trustworthy sites backlink to your content, it indicates to Google that you produce reputable work. As more sites reference and link your content, your SEO goes up.

Besides publishing quality content, making your work easily shareable proves the second most effective way to encourage back-linking.

4. Incorporate Internal Linking

Internal links encourage visitors to explore your website beyond the initial page they found. These handy links boost SEO because they generate traffic and establish a relationship between two pages. Search engines pick up on this and start understanding the connection.
Alex Chris adds that companies should assess their “orphaned content.” These pages lack any internal links, making it incredibly tricky for search engines to find them. Updating these pages with fresh content or incorporating internal links can help revive these lost pages.

5. Use Effective, Clear Language

The language throughout your website can revolutionize your SEO. Consistent and effective phrasing of URLs, titles and meta descriptions all contribute to your website’s SEO; it helps the search engine and searchers understand your content. Language should be concise, inviting and include important keywords.

Short and descriptive URLs attract more visitors than longer, more complicated ones. Titles should fall under 60 characters, with meta descriptions under 150 characters. Keywords should appear towards the beginning of each, as naturally as possible. Stay consistent with your language, and you’ll see your SEO go up.

6. Improve Your Site’s User Experience

User experience affects your website’s SEO and search engine ranking in very logical ways.
First, consider your site’s loading time. Slow loading times will result in high bounce rates, which negatively impacts your SEO. Decrease loading times by optimizing your website’s theme and images.

You also want to assess the formatting of your website. Headers, images and shorter paragraphs with concise language all help how easily visitors can read your content. This increases the chances they’ll stay on your site.

Lastly, make sure that users can access your site on any device. Google favors websites that have mobile-friendly versions, meaning webpages need to look attractive and work on phones and desktops alike.

7. Optimize Images

Images make your webpage more engaging and break up heavy text. Alex Chris asserts, “Optimizing your images can go a long way in strengthening your SEO performance.” The best ways to do this are compressing the image and paying attention to the caption and alt text.

The alt text serves as a description of an image. Google reviews alt texts to better understand the images you include and how they relate to search queries. Alt text that accurately describes the image while using relevant keywords helps them rank in Google images. This, along with your effective use of keywords, brings more traffic to your website.

8. Include a Comments Section

An active comments section where people can engage with your content reflects well on your brand. When search engines notice your site’s growing community, you tend to rank higher.

Including a comments section also helps you understand which pages and pieces of content your audience finds interesting. The average time spent on particular pages will increase, and you receive feedback on published content. This will help you move forward in the future.

Taking Control of Your Brand’s SEO

Analyzing the different ways your company can enhance its content marketing strategy will benefit you in the long run. By improving your SEO and search engine ranking, you’ll see an increase in brand awareness, reach a wider audience and gain more leads and conversions. Launch into the next chapter of your business’s future with these sure-fire ways of boosting your SEO and visibility.

Contact us at Webociti to learn more about Improve your website’s SEO and search engine ranking

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