Local Search SEO

Local Search and Your Business

Local Search and Your Business

Local Search

Not too long ago, I shared information about local search optimization. Even so, the number of inquiries I get from strictly local businesses across the country that want to rank first in national search results is much too high – in most cases, the only number one search page results should be for local search inquiries.

Say you are an eco-friendly dry cleaner and want to improve your online marketing. If you are located in Yuma, Arizona what good is it to be number one in national results? In fact, you may be hurting your efforts by not embracing local search.

For example if you neglect local search in your Internet marketing strategy, you may be on page 4 or 5 of local search results despite ranking high nationally. This stems from most local businesses optimizing their sites for local search. Here are some tips and facts I want to share with you.

Why Local Search Optimization is Essential to Your Business

Each month Google handles,

  • More than 100 billion searches per month
  • There are more than 117 billion monthly unique visitors
  • More than half of the searches originated from a smartphone or other mobile device

Interesting, but why are these statistics relevant? These are for Google USA. I thought you might find the sheer number of searches and searchers interesting, but the most important stat for a local business owner is that more than half of searches start on a mobile device. These are local searchers for the most part and if your site is not optimized for mobile device users or optimized for local search, you are not going to win many new customers.

Some Tips for Search Optimization

  1. Use local landmarks. For example, if you are across the street from a local landmark, mention it on your site. A statement like, across the street from Landmark Hotel. Of course, include your address and phone number too.
  2. Use social media to reinforce your website. Start pages on Google+, Facebook, and other social media that caters to folks who need your services and products.
  3. Customers need encouragement from local businesses for posting reviews. Make this request on your website and all your social media. Respond to customer posts quickly. Thank them for their business and tell them you hope to serve them again. If the response is a valid criticism respond politely and explain how you plan to fix the problem and ask for another chance. American’s are forgiving people and using social media this way enhances your ability to turn clicks into cash. Never post a fake review – most times you will be found out and reaction from Google will be unpleasant.

Getting and keeping a high local search ranking is hard work. Content must be updated regularly and optimizing is an ongoing process. Many small and medium-sized businesses seek help from Webociti. No matter where you are, my staff and I can help you with local search optimization. At Webociti, we help companies create branded connections with their customers. Our local search experts will help you identify opportunities to become more focused on capturing the  and, therefore, more successful. Just complete the Request Form or Contact us to get started at 678-892-7157.
